Verification Is All About … Trust

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Dear future verification engineer, You are about to start a very privileged career. You will have the opportunity to see your work all around you. When you’re in the subway and you see someone watching on their phone some movie, you will know that you worked on that chip which streamed the movie so seamlessly […]

How to Decouple Threads in SystemVerilog

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Killing a task in SystemVerilog is relatively easy using the kill() method from the process API. Usually, when we kill a task, we also want to terminate all of its “sub-tasks” it called. But this is not always the case. In this article I am presenting one way of killing a task via process.kill() API […]

SystemVerilog Tip: How to Do Logging in UVM

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UVM comes with a great messaging system which can be easily controlled with simulator commands. Some of these commands are making use of an ID which can be assign to a message. Unfortunately, UVM does not allow us to assign multiple IDs to the same message. In this post I will present why assigning multiple […]